Cultivating Excellence in
Safety & Health in the Industries
for the Society
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Enviwise Management was officially established in 30th December 2021. An organization that involved in Environment, Safety and Health (ESH) services that are required under the Environmental Quality Act, 1974 (Act 127) and Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1994 (Act 514) Act Compliance.
Our Services, include consultancy on ESH related matters, services & assessment , also Written Notification and Written Declaration (WN & WD) submission under Department of Environment (DOE) for Industrial Effluent Treatment System (IETS) and WN & WD for stacks.
Other than that, along with the digitalization era. We also provide Geographic Information System (GIS) services.
Know More"Wholeness and overall advice in the aspect of ESH to the industries personnel"
"Reporting and telling the truth, telling as what it is"
"Sustainability in the environmental aspect and practicable approach that is sustainable in long term"
"Providing quality service that are outstanding and extremely good."